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Trendspek Capture Guide

Achieve an optimal drone capture every time, with pro tips from enterprise photogrammetry experts.

Need to determine the best distance, speed and flight path to take for your drone?

Trendspek's Capture Guide will equip you with all the information you need to capture highly-detailed 3D drone imagery, with step-by-step guides and checklists.

Pixels, resolution and white balance

Better understand the difference in image quality between 1.5mm, 3mm and 5mm per pixel, the importance of resolution and white balance/image ratio/focus, and other optimal drone capture techniques.

Pre and post-flight checklists

Use our checklist to prepare your flight plan for your capture project, with key insights on how to bulk edit your photos in the case of non-optimal lighting conditions.

Data compatibility for perfect 3D models

Not every drone capture will be the same. Each asset is unique, from location, size and height to weather conditions and terrain. We’ll show you how to work across a variety of conditions with accuracy to ensure your imagery aligns with Trendspek's 3D technology.

Step-by-step tutorials and industry insights

Detailed walkthroughs for drone operators, and industry insights based on experience of Trendspek team and our clients.

The right drone equipment

Comparison tables of different drones with recommendations for optimal results.

Free capture checklist

Ensure nothing is missed during your mission and tick off every stop from start to finish, before and after your aerial drone survey.

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