At Trendspek, we recognise our responsibility to respect human rights and condemn modern slavery and human trafficking.

We strictly prohibit any type of forced labour, regardless of the market or region. All allegations made about Trendspek, a supplier or business partner are investigated. If we discover and verify a case of forced labour, we take immediate action. For business relationships this will lead to enforcement action, and if prompt corrective action is not taken or adequate remedy provided, the ultimate consequence will be termination of contract.

Modern slavery and forced labour are often linked to systemic issues. Businesses have a responsibility to prevent these issues from occurring in their operations and supply chains, as set out in existing and evolving regulations. Trendspek is dedicated to ensuring that modern slavery does not take place at any point in our business or supply chain. Trendspek conducts annual and ongoing supplier reviews inline with our ISO certified management system frameworks.

Trendspek executives and team members acknowledge our suite of administration policies, including anti corruption, whistle blowing, bribery, racial vilification and anti discrimination.

Trendspek Founders are committed to remaining informed and educated with respect to modern slavery and its impacts on both people and our business.

Derek Feebrey

Chief Executive Officer     


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