Resources and Guides

Need to calculate distance for your next flight mission? Looking for helpful resources to explain digital twin technology?

Access our free library of resources, including capture guides, white papers, diagrams and other helpful digital tools.

White paper

What is Digital Engineering?

Explore how leading with a digital-led solution can achieve greater coverage, accurate reporting and build ongoing trust with clients.

Use quality data to identify potential risks ahead of time
Achieve greater exterior coverage, with minimal safety risks
Build trust with 20/20 reporting and digital workflows
Integrate with existing systems such as BIM, SAP, ESRI GIS
What is Digital Engineering?

White paper

What are Digital Twins?

Discover the meaning of digital twin technology, different types of digital twins and how they are used. Explore the purpose-built Precision Reality Twins, and how they support infrastructure.

Definition of a Digital Twin
Different types of Digital Twin and their applications
Precision Reality Twin and how it supports infrastructure
Real-world examples and timeline
What are Digital Twins?

Guide for drones

Capture Guide

Pro tips to achieve an optimal drone mission, every time, from 15 years of enterprise photogrammetry experience.

Flight Paths: Determine the best distance, speed and flight path to take for your drone.
Editing and Lighting: How to bulk edit your photos in case of non-optimal lighting conditions.
Camera settings: Guides to understanding the difference between 1.5mm-5mm per pixel, resolution, white balance, image ratio and focus.
Capture Guide

Guide for drones

Capture Guide: Warehouses

Trendspek's Warehouse Capture Guide combines 15+ years of enterprise photogrammetry experience to support you when capturing large logistics and facilities centres.

Capturing Roofing, Facades and Hardstands: Pro tips for complex assets, and recommended flight methods.
Transition tips: Detailed diagrams to ensure a complete capture, every time.
Checklists: Pre and post-flight guidance
Capture Guide: Warehouses

Guide for drones

Capture Guide: Residential

Our guide includes diagrams and step-by-step instructions for capturing roofing and linear assets, and recommended flight methods.

Capturing High-Level Facades: Pro tips for complex vertical assets, and recommended flight methods.
Flight Settings: Setup and parameters to achieve high-res photogrammetry
Comparison tables: Select the right drone equipment for the job.
Capture Guide: Residential

Interactive tool

Resolution Calculator

Use our resolution calculator to determine the distance needed to fly a drone from the asset to capture your desired resolution.

Camera type
Resolution (cm/px)
Fixed Focal Length (mm)
Flight Height (m)
Flight Height (ft)
Try the calculator

Latest news and resources

Trendspek partners with Applus+ UAE

Our partnership will deliver owners and operators across the Middle East with more comprehensive, accurate assessments and the ability to monitor asset conditions.

Read more
Resources and Guides

Residential, Roofing and Top Down Capture Guide


Trendspek wins most Innovative Proptech of the Year at 2024 Proptech Awards


Panoramas: Add internal panoramic tours to your models