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Our mission

Trendspek is paving a new normal for asset inspections, management and reporting.

The challenge with traditional reporting.

The Operate & Maintain phase (O&M) of the asset lifecycle requires stakeholders to optimise performance of the asset while managing risk, which is the primary driver to conduct routine inspections and maintenance.

However, understanding asset condition has been challenging for decades. This is because organisations have to make critical decisions based on outdated, limited or inconsistent information via 2D reports or the human eye.

bullet-icon Ageing infrastructure
bullet-icon Increased subjectivity and errors
bullet-icon Higher project costs and liability risks
bullet-icon Shortage of resources and personnel
bullet-icon Safety risks (machinery, rope access)


We're working with a community of asset owners looking to do things differently.

Trendspek is transforming asset management with a digital solution that is evidence-led, scalable and resource-lite.

With our industry-leading 3D software and virtual reporting capabilities, we're giving asset owners the power to digitise their assets to optimise their performance, lifespan and safety. All without having to leave their desks.

With Trendspek, you can complete critical maintenance steps online, rather than on-site, monitor your assets at scale, and leverage advanced tools to complete visual assessments and reporting from your computer.

What drives us? Helping asset owners to minimise risks across their full asset lifecycle.

Book a demo

The software didn't exist, so we built it.

With Precision Asset Intelligence, you can

Digitally manage assets
bullet-icon Reporting (Engineering, Capital Planning, ESG, Risk Management)
bullet-icon Tendering and Repairs
bullet-icon Maintenance
bullet-icon QA
bullet-icon Trend Monitoring
Reduce corporate risk
bullet-icon Safety
bullet-icon Financial
bullet-icon Reputation
bullet-icon Liability
bullet-icon Organisational
Optimise performance
bullet-icon Human and asset efficiency
bullet-icon Control costs and maximise returns
bullet-icon Improve asset lifespan
bullet-icon Minimise disruptions (shutdowns, tenant, suppliers)

Who we are

Trendspek was founded in 2018 by former commercial pilots Derek Feebrey, Fiona Church and Mitch Deam.

Inspired by drone technology and a growing demand for safer inspection methods, we embarked on a mission to build a platform that would revolutionise how assets are managed and change the status quo.

And so, Trendspek's Precision Asset Intelligence was born.

Pioneering a new era of innovation, Trendspek’s cloud-based software platform is today used globally by over 2000 industry leaders and counting and has set a new standard for rapid asset capture and high-fidelity 3D asset models.

Our founding story

Our company values


We put our egos aside to listen to every perspective equally.


We create solutions to maximise impact, and we are motivated to grow something bigger than ourselves.


We listen without making assumptions to understand and solve your problems. We provide simple and accessible answers.


We strive to do the right thing, in the right way, at the right time. We deliver as promised, carefully and honestly managing expectations.


We have fun and laugh together, winning as a team and celebrating victories.