Oratos Consult partnered with Trendspek to innovate their asset inspection processes, leveraging advanced drone technology and Trendspek’s 3D software to deliver exceptional outcomes.
Using drone surveys, they first conducted an aerial external asset assessment across three large facilities leveraging Trendspek's Preferred Capture Provider network.
This data was transformed in Trendspek into highly-detailed 3D models of the structures, enabling virtual condition assessments of the facilities without the need for manual inspection in high-risk areas.
With millimetre detail data and layering of thermal imagery, they successfully analysed all external building elements and equipment, including:
Will Dorahy, Head of Business Operations & Sales at Oratos Consult:
"We identified an opportunity to leverage our expertise while offering a value-added service that delivers a safe, effective, and efficient asset condition assessment solution to our clients."
Oratos Consult uses Trendspek to perform:
"In critical infrastructure and industrial sectors, conducting physical assessments on building rooftops are time-consuming and can present hazards. Leveraging technology to streamline this process not only saves time, but enhances efficiency and overall outcomes for clients."
3D models reduce inspection timelines from months to weeks.
Remote access eliminates logistical challenges, such hard-to-reach site access, team availability and weather conditions.
Certain inspections now a third of the usual cost, saving thousands per project.
Consistent, verifiable records eliminate subjectivity and the need for repeat site inspections.
Shareable 3D models allow for an improved system of engagement.
Contractors can be provided with important spatial context ahead of projects.
The integration of drones and 3D modelling has enhanced the speed and accuracy of Oratos Consult’s audits.
Key platform features, such as the ability to measure roof deflection directly from the 3D models and layer thermal imagery, has enabled thorough inspections of facades and additional elements, such as HVAC systems.
With interactive measurement tools, specialists can directly markup and anootate of any concerns or defects within the Trendspek platform.
“Trendspek’s solution provides a safe and efficient digital asset model that enables both our asset specialists and customers to virtually assess and manage assets more effectively,” says Dorahy.
Leveraging aerial drone capture alongside 3D modelling for routine audits has provided Oratos Consult numerous advantages when compared to traditional methods.
“Where physical inspections would take several days and require specialist personnel, Trendspek’s digital-led solution enabled asset data collection and conditional assessment on the building’s roof to be completed up to 50% faster, with an overall 60% more efficiency," says Dorahy.
"Drones can access hard-to-reach areas, providing a comprehensive view of the infrastructure," he adds.
"With 3D modelling, precise measurements and detailed structural assessments can be conducted remotely, reducing the need for manual inspections, and minimising potential risks to personnel.
This integrated approach boosts the efficiency of auditing processes, promptly identifies issues, and contributes to the overall safety and reliability of critical infrastructure."
"Where physical inspections would take several days and require specialist personnel, Trendspek’s digital solution enabled asset data collection and conditional assessment on the roof to be completed 50% faster, with an overall 60% more efficiency."
The integration of Trendspek’s software allowed for a comprehensive assessment of assets and their operating environments in accessible, secure digital form.
Combining this with age assessment and other installation factors viewed within the digital platform provides a holistic understanding of asset longevity, that can be readily shared with stakeholders for effective maintenance planning and quality assurance.
“The use of aerial drone capture and Trendspek enhances the decision-making processes.
By providing a safe and efficient solution for complex built environments, that require induction and safety protocols that restrict the ability to move freely around site, the platform expedites outcomes.
This complements the asset lifecycle and condition reporting process, and facilitates both operational and capital planning decision-making,” says Dorahy.
While their clients have typically been exposed to typical drone and photo solutions before, Oratos Consult offer Trendspek as their solution of choice due to its high-quality 3D models, digital workflows and scalability.
“The model is super attractive in critical infrastructure and industrial sectors because of accessibility, safety and a number of different factors including operations - you just can’t go up walking on the roof every day."
"The process was very efficient, we had one workshop with Trendspek’s product team to gain insights on how to navigate around the various large facilities that we carried out our asset condition assessments on."
By embracing Trendspek’s technology, Oratos Consult continues to lead the way in delivering safe, sustainable, and efficient asset management solutions.