Featured case study

Syntric Consult: Repeatable digital assessments of large facilities for due diligence

Syntric Consult’s specialist auditors provide independent compliance and condition assessments across a variety of built environments.

They first adopted Trendspek in 2023, using our 3D software and high-resolution aerial capture to deliver safe, efficient, and strategic asset management outcomes.

Will Dorahy, Head of Advisory at Syntric Consult, shares how Trendspek’s Precision Reality Twins enables repeatable, comprehensive asset condition assessments for large facilities.

Project overview

Using advanced drone photogrammetry, Syntric Consult conducted an aerial external asset assessment across three large facilities leveraging Trendspek's Preferred Capture Provider network.

This data was generated by Trendspek into high-fidelity, detailed 3D models of the structure, Precision Reality Twins, enabling stakeholders to perform virtual condition assessments of the facilities without the need for manual inspection in high-risk areas.

With millimetre detail of the PRT models and layering of thermal imagery, they successfully analysed all external building elements and equipment, including Roof Coverings, Cladding, Gutters, Down Pipes, Walls, Windows, Doors, HVAC, Electrical Infrastructure, PV and Safety Services.

This allowed Syntric Consult to streamline building audits, identify potential safety issues ahead of time and enhance both operational and capital financial planning through targeted investigations.


Precision Reality Twins (PRT), Precision Asset Intelligence (PAI), Data Acquisition (Drones), Reporting and Project Management.

Project team


Key outcomes

6 hours

Capture time per asset

vs. the traditional capture time of weeks

24 hours

3D model creation

vs. traditional “no model, photos only”


More efficient

vs. performing a physical assessment.


High-res model output

vs. the traditional output of photos and report


Time savings

vs. time spent on traditional data capture

Low risk


vs. traditional high-risk manual rope inspection

How did Syntric Consult first start working with Trendspek?

Will Dorahy, Head of Advisory at Syntric Consult:

"Syntric Consult initially engaged Trendspek by recognising the potential for partnership with an advanced digital drone technology solution.

We identified an opportunity to leverage our expertise while offering a value-added service that delivers a safe, effective, and efficient asset condition assessment solution to our clients."

Syntric Consult now uses Trendspek's 3D to efficiently perform:

  • Due Diligence Assessment
  • Hard Technical Services and Building Fabric Condition Assessment
  • High Precision Asset Data Collection
  • Building Roof Safety and Compliance
  • Thermal inspections

How does Trendspek improve assessments for complex building structures?

"The integration of drones and 3D modelling significantly enhances the speed and accuracy of audits, thereby facilitating a more informed decision-making process.

Trendspek’s solution provides a safe and efficient digital asset model that enables both our asset specialists and customers to virtually assess and manage assets more effectively. Tools such as the ability to measure where required, thermal imagery, and direct markup onto the site platform with annotation cards for digital reporting are highly beneficial.

Our specialists can simply perform a desktop audit effectively and present to our clients."

Why was Trendspek the best option for your inspections?

"Leveraging aerial drones alongside 3D modelling for building services audits on critical infrastructure offered numerous advantages.

Where physical inspections would take several days and require specialist personnel, Trendspek’s digital-led solution enabled asset data collection and conditional assessment on the building’s roof to be completed up to 50% faster and with an overall 60% more efficiency than performing a physical assessment.

Drones can access hard-to-reach areas, providing a comprehensive view of the infrastructure. With 3D modelling, precise measurements and detailed structural assessments can be conducted remotely, reducing the need for manual inspections, and minimising potential risks to personnel.

This integrated approach boosts the efficiency of auditing processes, promptly identifies issues, and contributes to the overall safety and reliability of critical infrastructure."




Background Background

"In critical infrastructure and industrial sectors, conducting physical assessments on building rooftops are time-consuming and can present hazards. Leveraging technology to streamline this process not only saves time, but also enhances efficiency and overall outcomes for our clients."

Will Dorahy



How has this integrated approach provided an in-depth understanding of asset reliability and lifecycle?

"The integration of Trendspek aerial drone software allows for a comprehensive assessment of assets and their operating environments in digital form. This, combined with age assessment and other installation factors viewed within the digital platform, provides a holistic understanding of asset longevity.

The use of aerial drone capture and 3D modeling with Trendspek enhances the decision-making processes by providing a safe and efficient solution for complex-built environments that require induction and safety protocols that restrict the ability to move freely around site.

The platform also expedites outcomes by complementing the asset lifecycle and condition reporting process, and facilitates both operational and capital planning decision-making."

What was the speed of adoption of Trendspek’s software?

'The process was very efficient. We had one workshop with Trendspek’s product team to gain insights on how to navigate around the various large facilities that we carried out our asset condition assessments on."


What is a Precision Reality Twin?

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