
Trendspek joins ARPAS to drive advancements in UK drone industry

Trendspek has joined ARPAS-UK, the UK’s collective voice for the drone and aviation industry, to optimise the use of drone technology in asset management.

ARPAS-UK ensures that commercial drone use meets the highest safety standards and adheres to efficient use of airspace, environmental impact and reducing CO emissions. As part of the partnership, Trendspek will be providing expertise on technology solutions to drive further advancements in the UK drone industry.

“Drones are a tool to collect images and data. The value is in that data, in its accuracy and in its transformation into detailed reports and insight, says Anne-Lise Scaillierez, CEO of ARPAS-UK.

“Trendspek’s Precision Asset Intelligence software solution transforms that data into into precision Reality Twins (PRT), high fidelity models you can dive right into, supported by a safe and secure analysis, annotation, collaboration and reporting platform.”

"Trendspek is proud to be joining the pre-eminent voice for the UK's RPAS sector," says Mitch Deam, co-founder of Trendspek. "Our recent trip to the UK revealed how widespread ageing infrastructure is, and how drone technology can benefit organisations conducting large-scale inspections.

With decades of aviation and RPAS industry experience in our own leadership team, Trendspek also works closely with world-class industry capture partners to provide a versatile and secure drone data solution. We'll be leveraging those insights to collaborate with ARPAS-UK to provide expertise on best practice, capture standards and key industry trends."

Having recently achieved certification for ISO 27701 and been successfully re-certified for ISO 9001 and ISO 27001. Trendspek’s triply-secure software solution will provide “great value to the UK market," says Scaillierez.

“As reported recently by PwC, only 43% of the think industry is using commercial drones effectively. We need to pursue our efforts of dissemination and education, to promote the safe adoption of drones by end-user industries,” she says.

About Trendspek

Trendspek delivers Precision Asset Intelligence (PAI): a cloud-based platform that creates exact 3D digital models of buildings and infrastructure to enable accurate visual inspections, customised interactive reports and collaborative workflows with stakeholders anywhere in the world. Trendspek enables reliable record keeping, efficiency, lowered costs and improved safety by reducing the need for dangerous site visits or inspections from a height, and reduces carbon emissions associated with collecting condition data from facilities.

Video: Get to know Trendspek and see how it works

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